Tractus Vascular develops endovascular catheter solutions to address the challenges in approaching and crossing occlusions in the arterial and venous vasculatures. Chronic total occlusion (CTO) remains one of the most challenging pathologies encountered by surgeons and interventionists in performing endovascular interventions. The 510(k)-cleared Tractus™ Crossing Support Catheter*, with its Jigsaw Technology™, is designed to provide the operator optimal handling, trackability, and catheter stability in order to facilitate guidewire traversal of occlusions. The Tunnel™ Crossing Catheter, currently in development, will apply the same core catheter technology to an intended indication for crossing occlusive lesions, including CTOs. Tractus is dedicated to creating catheter products that excel in the treatment of challenging lesions while moderating unit cost. Tractus intends to use its Jigsaw Technology™ to expand its product family of crossing devices.
* Disclaimer: Tunnel™ Crossing Catheter is in development and is not approved for sale or use in the United States
Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a large and growing clinical problem in U.S. and international populations. CTOs are reported in 40% of patients with symptomatic PAD and can lead to severe and life-threatening consequences such as critical limb ischemia (CLI) and limb loss. In the venous vasculature, chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) affects millions worldwide. 20% of CVI patients develop deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in which the effects of the clot can result in chronic venous occlusion (CVO), one feature of the post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS). Annual healthcare costs in the U.S. alone to treat PAD and its complications exceed $8 billion and total approximately $5 billion for DVT.

For illustration only. Not intended to make product claims.
CTO remains one of the most challenging pathologies encountered by surgeons and interventionists in performing endovascular interventions. CTO is characterized in the arterial vasculature by atherosclerotic plaque and in the venous vasculature by collagenous “webbing” and scar tissue. Tractus Vascular leverages its core competencies and enabling catheter technology to tackle the unique challenges of both arterial and venous lesions. A catheter designed for both arterial and venous CTOs has promise to improve outcomes for patients with PAD and CVI, respectively, while significantly mitigating costs.

Tractus Vascular developed its patented Jigsaw Technology™ laser-cut stainless steel shaft in an effort to enable a catheter with optimal flexibility and torquability that resists buckling when encountering an obstruction. The jigsaw cut pattern extends throughout the length of the shaft and terminates in a stainless steel distal tip, creating a single, continuous, handle-to-tip catheter body that provides uniformity and stability. Tractus’ catheter products include features and functionality that are familiar to physicians while incorporating novel and proprietary design elements to enhance performance.
* Disclaimer: Tunnel Crossing Catheter is in development and is not approved for sale or use in the United States